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Disney Is Doing an Animated TV Reboot of The Rocketeer With a New, Female Hero February 27, 2018

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture.
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Source: Disney Is Doing an Animated TV Reboot of The Rocketeer With a New, Female Hero

Letters of Note: Maybe it’s just catharsis. But I think it’s more. March 8, 2015

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture, Star Trek.
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On February 12th of 1965, having recently screened the show’s pilot episode to NBC executives only to hear rumblings of negativity, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry wrote the following letter to his agent in order to reiterate his vision for the show and make known his unwillingness to compromise its integrity just to make “a sale.” Soon after, NBC did in fact reject that episode; however, having seen potential, they immediately ordered a second pilot. That episode — Where No Man Has Gone Before — was far more successful.

The first season of Star Trek premiered on September 8th, 1966.

Transcript follows.

(Source: P. Evans; Image: Gene Roddenberry, via.)

via Letters of Note: Maybe it’s just catharsis. But I think it’s more..

5 Comics You Should Be Reading Right Now | WIRED January 15, 2015

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture.
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5 Comics You Should Be Reading Right Now | WIRED.

proXPN VPN | Get your FREE proXPN VPN account now! April 18, 2013

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture, Politics.
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A VPN virtual private network is a network that can use the internet to provide secure connections between one or more devices for data exchange. A VPN can open a secure interconnection or “tunnel” between different devices and the data that passes through the tunnel can be encrypted as a method of security so that the data passing through the tunnel cannot be read. Most often, VPNs are used to connect a companys main office with its satellite offices or its field agents. In some cases, people choose to connect their personal devices to a VPN service provider to secure their own connections with the same kind of tunneling and encryption to the general internet, keeping their banking details, credit card numbers, passwords, and other sensitive data from being intercepted, monitored, or recorded. This kind of VPN setup also affords the user an anonymous IP internet protocol address used for determining a devices location, making them appear as if in a far away location. proXPN is an example of the latter scenario, just on a global scale.

via proXPN VPN | Get your FREE proXPN VPN account now!.

Dr Who Dalek found in pond – Telegraph April 12, 2013

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture.
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Sales executive Marc Oakland was pushing a rake around the bed of the shallow pool when he found the object with its distinctive eye stalk.

The 42-year-old said: “I’d just shifted a tree branch with my foot when I noticed something dark and round slowly coming up to the surface.

“I got the shock of my life when a Dalek head bobbed up right in front of me.

“It must have been down there for some time because it was covered in mould and water weed, and had quite a bit of damage.

via Dr Who Dalek found in pond – Telegraph.

Coinlab – 153.42218 April 11, 2013

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture, Shadow Economy.
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Your Gateway to the Bitcoin Markets

Whether you are a savvy investor, Bitcoin merchant, or crypto-hobbyist, trading Bitcoin in the US and Canada is about to get faster, easier, and even more secure.

Mt. Gox, the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world, and CoinLab are joining together to provide US and Canadian customers with a new exchange platform specifically catered to this market’s unique needs.

By streamlining our customer service and AML processes, simplifying banking deposits and withdrawals, and offering expertise in secure Bitcoin practices, it will be easier than ever for businesses and individuals to trade, save, and transact in Bitcoin.

via Coinlab – 153.42218.

Word Spy – geeksploitation March 13, 2013

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture, Geeksploitation.
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(geek.sploy.TAY.shun) n. To induce young computer programmers to work long hours by taking advantage of their enthusiasm and high energy levels.

Example Citations:

Geeksploitation The act of taking advantage of twentysomething digital workers who are flushed with pioneer enthusiasm and willing to work very long hours if bolstered by junk food, flexible work schedules, and no dress code.

—Gareth Branwyn, “Jargon Watch,” Wired Magazine, February, 1997

Overseeing cube space are those exalted souls in the adminisphere who are in charge of the company and have offices with actual walls.

They tend to be masters of geeksploitation, or getting workers to join the dawn patrol by putting in overnight shifts fueled by coffee, code pie (pizza) and fear of winding up circling the drain—geekspeak for what others call waiting for the axe to fall.

—James Coates, “Generica: Semisweet land of jitterati,” Chicago Tribune, June 8, 1997

Earliest Citation:

Indeed, the large-style living exemplified by certain well-heeled friends belies the sordid little truth underneath so-called “geeksploitation” — none of us are ever going to have it this good again.

—Perl E. Gates, “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” Suck.com, October 11, 1996

via Word Spy – geeksploitation.

The Silicon Valley Diet : Richard Grayson March 13, 2013

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture, Geeksploitation.
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But the upside of being downsized is making a lot of money when your company stock soars after the announcement of your layoff. I had a fat severance and good positions in AOL, Amazon.com and Yahoo. Unemployment was no more troublesome than the expiration of my frequent flyer miles. Finding a new job just meant driving to another office-park campus with dopey street names (Disc Drive, Resistor Road, Infinite Loop) to endure more geeksploitation in exchange for dead Presidents, stock options, a flexible schedule, no dress code, and all the junk food I could eat.

via The Silicon Valley Diet : Richard Grayson.

The Magical Shop Around The Corner ATOMIC CITY – Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news. March 13, 2013

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture, Geeksploitation.
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I don’t write about Stores very much at all. Retail outlets tend to be soulless places that’s sole reason for existence is to prey upon us geeks. Traditionally they are known as Geeksploitation Outlets.

And every city in every town has them. Right now they all have McFarlane figures, Sideshow Toys, Samurai Jack figures… And these things are good for sure, but they make the various Geeksploitation Outlets meld together… There is no individual spark traditionally…

via The Magical Shop Around The Corner ATOMIC CITY – Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

Jobs in Candyland uses geeksploitation March 13, 2013

Posted by sandyclaus in Geek Culture, Geeksploitation.
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